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The New Patient GPS
Create a steady stream of new patients in only 4 weeks...
using the top strategies, tools, and tech used by the most successful practices in 
functional, integrative, naturopathic and holistic medicine.
(No big email list or special tech skills required! You don’t even need a website!)
You can afford this ...and you cannot afford to spin your wheels any more.
Join The
4-Week Program
Implement The 
Simple Strategies
Fill Your Practice With
The Right Patients
In our NEW 4-week New Patient GPS program, we’ll teach you exactly how to target, attract, and secure a steady stream of ideal patients, using plug-and-play strategies, automated systems, and patient education tools that save you time and money.
And no, you don’t need a lot of time or have to be a tech or marketing whiz to do this.
The details are coming up, but let’s be real for a second.

We know practitioners like you—from triple board-certified physicians to health coaches and everyone in between—are deeply passionate about providing the most exceptional and transformational level of care.

  • You’ve done extensive study, apprenticeships, certifications, seminars, and even faced ridicule and rejection from your peers to reach a place where you can make a REAL impact.
  • But... the most successful, influential practitioners aren’t the ones who just get great clinical results, they also have great patient outreach systems in place.
  • These are the kind of systems that take minimal time and effort while generating more than enough new patients and revenue for you.
To make a BIG impact, you have to make it easy for people to find you, trust you, and stick with you for the long-run.
If you’ve been spinning your wheels trying to figure out how you can be booked up one minute and broke the next, you’re not alone.

We have talked to thousands of practitioners over the last decade, from those with years of experience to those just getting started, and this is the #1 issue that keeps coming up: “Where do I find enough good patients (and how do I keep them engaged)?”
What If The Answer Was Simple, Easy To Implement And Only Took 4 Hours A Week (Over 4 Weeks)?
You have to implement the patient marketing systems and strategies that are working in 2017. This creates an optimal user experience for your patients, gets them to commit to their long-term health goals, and ultimately leads to more patients and referrals.

After teaching practice management all over the world, and picking the brains of industry leaders, this program is what we, at the Evolution of Medicine, have seen succeed and achieve the best results in REAL practices. 
Introducing The New Patient GPS
In the New Patient GPS, we have collated the best-of-the-best patient acquisition strategies that we have either designed or witnessed succeeding over the last decade, plus the tools and know-how that you will start using TODAY - with or without a fancy website or email list... for just $497!
In this 4-week course, you’ll discover:
  • How easy it is to target exactly the type of patients you want, using our one-hour, one-page patient acquisition plan: “The Lean Canvas”.
  • How to take advantage of low cost or free tools like Facebook ads, Eventbrite, and ActiveCampaign to streamline patient education, fill local events, and more.
  • How to pre-educate new patients before their first appointment, so they show up truly committed and ready to transform their health.
  • Which simple outreach and engagement technologies can save you at least 4-5 hours a week (sometimes more) on marketing - or give you a simple, actionable marketing campaign if you haven’t had one!
  • The best inexpensive (or free) automated systems used by the most successful health professionals, that drive the right patients from your local community into your practice.
  • How synergistic providers can turn into referral-generating-machines.
  • Which community events are worth doing - and how you can organize them in your area to position you as the local health leader while doubling as marketing.
  • And so much more… like answering your personal questions and addressing your issues, live, during the training, so you do not waste time feeling roadblocked.
But Do These New Patient GPS Best Practices Really Work For The Time-Starved
(And Not-So-Tech-Savvy) Practitioner?
Here’s one example of how they’ve worked in your community… you judge for yourself.

“I heard James speak on the topic of building a successful micropractice back in 2011, right when I was at a turning point in my career. I wanted to open a Functional Medicine practice but I didn’t know where to begin. With his enthusiasm, help, and guidance on patient outreach and system implementation I created a successful micropractice which has allowed me to find great joy and fulfillment in medicine again.” 
-Alex Carrasco, MD
How To Remedy The Fundamental Issue
Facing The Evolution Of Medicine…
Over the last 5 years building the Functional Forum to be the world’s largest integrative medicine conference, then launching the Evolution of Medicine to connect doctors to the best-in category resources those practitioners need to be successful, and launching our own practice management program (the Practice Accelerator) has been more than a full-time job.

And these resources have helped thousands of practitioners fulfill their dream of starting a Functional Medicine practice.

But for many still, there is this one issue that keeps popping up: “How do I to find enough good patients?”

This has been a source of great frustration because we know we can’t advance as a community if we don’t get this fundamental issue resolved once and for all.

Plus…there are no lack of sick people out there in need of an integrative approach.

We knew what needed to be done, because we already teach patient acquisition systems to the elite students enrolled in our Practice Accelerator program.

These practitioners are building successful, efficient, scalable practices.

But, the problem is…

Many Practitioners Need To Get More Patients Coming Through Their Doors Before They Can Commit To Accelerating Their Practice.
But they need to know how to do that...

Since the Practice Accelerator is all about creating practice efficiency, it wasn’t the answer to this specific issue. Because let’s face it, it doesn't matter how “efficient” you are if you don’t have enough patients coming through your doors.

We needed a stepping stone.

Then it hit us!
What if we just taught patient marketing and made it affordable
for EVERY practitioner
—not just doctors with big budgets?
To make sure our idea was on-point, we reached out to our community to ask the question:

“If we build a quick and accessible program to teach you the most effective guerrilla strategies for getting great patients, and doing it fast, are you in?”
The Answer Was A Resounding: “Hell Yes!”
It doesn’t get much clearer than that, does it?
You need a patient acquisition program that can be implemented with very little time, effort, and no additional technology investments.

And despite all the other events and projects we have in the wings, we dropped everything to analyze your feedback and figure out how we could create the ultimate New Patient GPS program.

And though we were eager to provide a solution to this real need, we didn’t want to churn out just “another information product” that was all talk and no implementation.

After hours and hours of discussion, consultation with experts, and distilling patient acquisition best practices, we came up with the framework for a pretty incredible program.

A Program That:
  •  Is all about implementation, not just more information. So you leave each session with actionable, step-by-step tasks that will start bringing in patients straight away.
  •  Combines best-practices in patient acquisition from the world’s most successful practices—from physicians to health coaches and everyone inbetween. No guess-work here, just tried and true stuff.
  •  Showcases effective use of free (or low-cost) technologies—like using Facebook to target local health-conscious patients who are already interested what you offer. And you don’t need a fancy website or great tech skills to do this.
  •  Includes live expert and community support. We’re there for you every step of the way.
  •  Is cost-efficient, time-efficient, and gets FAST reproducible results. In other words, less pain, more gain.
And we built it. And made it super affordable, for just $497 (or a three-pay of $197).
But, There Is One “Catch” Or “Condition” If You Will…
We need to make sure, before you sign on for this 4-week program, that you understand this is an implementation program—not an information program.

That means, in order for these time-saving systems, strategies, and tools to work for you (like they’ve worked for the top practices in the world and those in our Practice Accelerator) you have to be willing to spend some time working not just in your practice but on your practice.

What does that look like?

It means rolling up your sleeves and diving into a marketing mindset for a few hours a week for 4 weeks, in order to create a steady stream of patients.

Now, we’re not talking 8 hours a day for 4 weeks straight.

Heck no (seriously, who has time for that?).
To make the most of this program and start generating your practice waiting list, you’ll have to invest 4 hours a week over 4 weeks (a little extra if you take the bonus course which we’ll dive into below).

That’s it.

4 hours a week, for 4 weeks… 16-20 hours total (including the bonus) to massively scale up your patient load and be able to stop worrying about where your next set of patients will come from.

If you can commit to that, and you’re ready to stop starving for new patients, then this is the course for you.
BUT, If You’re Still Feeling Uneasy, Know This…
Even if you’re excited about finally having a reliable flow of patients, and you’re willing to work “on” your practice, and not just “in” your practice, you’re probably also feeling a little nervous and apprehensive about the whole “marketing” thing.

Perhaps your inner dialogue sounds something like this…
  • “I know I’m a good practitioner, but I’m just no good at marketing myself. Can I really do this?”
  • “I went to school to heal people, not to sound like a direct salesperson.”
  • “What if I’m not a tech whiz and I get left behind?”
  • “What if I’m afraid of what a scaled practice looks like?”
In other words, “....What if I fail at this?”
Well, remember the one “condition” of success in this program we mentioned above?

Being willing to work on your practice and not just in your practice.

If you’re willing to put your heart into this for the next 4-5 weeks, attend the modules, implement the strategies, prepare and ask your questions during the modules and in the Facebook group, then you cannot fail this course.

The only way you CAN fail is by failing to implement the strategies you learn.

Remember, these are the exact strategies that are working for the most successful practices...but that doesn’t mean you have to be a celebrity doctor to pull them off.

Their application is universal.

Even if you feel like you’re falling behind, or aren’t grasping a certain concept, we are here for you every single week, and every single DAY in the private Facebook page.

We have set this program up to guarantee your success, if you’re willing to take implementation seriously.

You’re not in this alone, and yes…YOU CAN DO THIS.
If That’s Not Enough To Squash Your What-If-I-Fail Demons...
Check out this testimonial from Dr. Aimie Apigian, after implementing the patient acquisition strategies she learned in the Practice Accelerator (the same ones we’ll be teaching you in this course):

"This course has single-handedly allowed me to pursue my dream of starting my own practice in functional addiction medicine in a lower stressful manner and years earlier than I thought possible. The course walked me through the an otherwise murky process, showing me what would give me the biggest impact for my time and finances.

After the first module of the course, I started a Functional Medicine Meetup group with an overwhelming response. Within 2 weeks, 30 people in my community, none of whom I know, have signed up for the meet-up. I am excited to see what the response will be when I start advertising in the way that the course suggested! The course has given me the skills, knowledge and resources to start my own practice in functional addiction medicine with confidence, something I did not imagine possible. I am connected with a group of people from whom I can collaborate and continue to get ideas and encouragement from."
-Aimie Apigian, MD
Portland, OR 
Here’s A Sneak Peek At What You Will Learn In The New Patient GPS 
This step-by-step program consists of four 90-minute modules presented by James Maskell and the Evolution of Medicine power team over 4 consecutive weeks, with a BONUS module in week 5 - and you have lifetime access to the content.
Module 1: Create Your Patient Acquisition Plan
Get ready to hit the ground running!

We will help you create a fast-and-furious one-page patient acquisition plan (in just one hour), that will help you
  • Target your ideal patient—and where to find them.
  • Identify your unique value proposition—to skyrocket your practice brand, identity, and image.
  • Stop second-guessing your pricing model—and feel complete confidence in your product and service positioning.
  • Identify your best marketing channels—to save you serious time and money.
  • Gain clarity with James and the EvoMed marketing team.
Module 2: How To Turn Local Health Events
Into New Patient GPS's
For most practitioners, putting on local events—from the time-consuming set-up to disappointing turnouts—wind up being far more trouble than they’re worth.

But the truth is: Your events don’t have to SUCK.

And, when done right, they can massively increase the number of qualified new patients coming through your doors.

This module will help you bring your events into the 21st century and teach you…
  • How to choose the perfect event topic for your ideal patient (including inactive patients who have slipped through the cracks).
  • Which low-cost and FREE automated technologies, like Facebook ads, Eventbrite, and ActiveCampaign will bring everything together, saving you loads of time and money
  • How to double or triple your event registration using our blockbuster autoresponder series template.
  • To use targeted Facebook ads to drive local traffic to your automated Eventbrite and expand your audience (without going broke).
  • The key steps you must take to convert event participants into new, paying patients.
  • Plus Q&A with James and the EvoMed Team.
Module 3: How To Reactivate Old Patient Files
(And Revitalize Inactive Patients)
It’s been estimated that it costs 5-10 times more to bring in a new patient than to retain an existing one.

We call these patients your “low hanging fruit”. This module will teach you how to reactivate and reconnect with those patients who have slipped through the cracks.

  • How to reach out to former patients without spending hours on the phone (or sounding desperate, awkward, or pushy).
  • How to use local events to re-motivate and re-inspire them back to “active-motivated-patient” status.
  • How to save time by incorporating our script templates into automated phone and text messaging systems.
  • The best patient retention technologies to save you time and money.
  • PLUS a Q&A with James and the EvoMed Team.
Module 4: Rock Your Referral Systems
Synergistic providers can be one of the BEST sources of new patient referrals… you just have to know how to identify the right ones for you and how to approach them.

In this module you will learn best practices for setting up an effective referral system, including…
  • How to find and qualify the best potential providers—who will refer a high volume of qualified new patients FAST.
  • Referral request “etiquette”—including how best to approach other practitioners about a win-win referral situation
  • How to customize our professional plug-and-play provider referral letter—to make a compelling offer they won’t refuse.
  • How to streamline the whole process—so it gets done fast and efficiently.
  • Q&A with James and the EvoMed marketing team.
BONUS Module 5: How to Put on a 90-Day
Movie Night Program
Of all the events we help practitioners set up, the Movie Night model wins every time (let’s face it, we’re all movie addicts).

This module will teach you exactly how to execute a Movie Night like a pro, including:
  • How to get the word out and automate your registration, confirmations, and reminders.
  • How to choose the best movie selection for your audience.
  • Hosting tips and tools for you and your staff.
  • And much more.
  • PLUS a final Q&A with James and the EvoMed team.
This is the exact system that helped Dr. Jeff Gladd, in rural Indiana, attract an audience of 200, and turn 64 of them into new patients on the spot. All on a shoestring budget.

And, in case we haven’t made it crystal clear, you’ll have the benefit of our expertise and experience to answer every single one of your questions along the way.
In Addition To The 5 Modules & Support, You Also Get…
  • Instant lifetime access to the New Patient GPS program membership area including…
  • Sample templates, scripts, checklists and PDF resources that you can use directly in your practice.
  • Transcripts from the module lessons so you can quickly refer back to sections of different modules at a later time.
  • The private Facebook group offering direct access to James Maskell and the entire EvoMed Team—plus peer-to-peer support.
  • Our 14-day satisfaction guarantee (more on this below).
  • A tribe of like-minded practitioners and experts to help motivate and inspire you to ROCK your practice.
How Much Will This Cost?
All this incredible material, support, templates, recordings, and more will cost you just $497 + 4 hours/week of your time over 4-5 weeks.

Why so little?

Well, based on the number of people needing help with this, we wanted to make it accessible to everyone…regardless of where you are in your career.

And, if $497 is too much up front you can take advantage of our no-frills payment plan of three $197 payments.

That’s it!
A Personal Note From James 
One thing to note on this special price:

I did mention in my emails that we aren’t sure if or when we’ll be offering this course again.

And if we do, this special price may very well increase down the road.

That said, I would urge you take advantage of what may very well be, the best deal on the
New Patient GPS program you’re ever going to get.
14-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Don’t forget, you always have our 14-day 100% satisfaction guarantee. So I’ll make this super simple—we’re out to make a difference in the lives of doctors and patients, and we know this will do that for you.

But if this program isn’t right for you, then we don’t want your money.

If, at any time during the first 14 days (after the first module and before the second) you feel the New Patient GPS isn’t the right fit for you, just shoot us an email and we will refund your tuition in full.

No questions asked.

I look forward to working with you in this program to advance the evolution of your success.

James (and the EvoMed Team)

P.S. A final friendly word of advice—if you want this you should move FAST. The doors on this special offer close next Tuesday (and we don’t know when we’ll be offering this class again). Don’t miss out!

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